Alexis Guérin


Not yet

Personal notes:

Presentation at the Clermont-Ferrand PhD Students' Seminar titled Links between Braids and Links II.
Topic: Links between polynomial invariants in knot theory and R-matrices. (pdf

Productions during my studies:

Master’s thesis (M2) internship conducted at IMJ-PRG under the supervision of Emmanuel Wagner and Louis-Hadrien Robert
Topic: Study ​of s ymmetries of equivariant Khovanov–Rozansky homology. (pdf)

Master’s (M1) internship conducted at UQAM (University of Quebec at Montreal) in the CIRGET research unit under the supervision of Frédéric Rochon
Topic: L'espace de Minkowski en géométrie. (pdf)

Bachelor’s (L3) internship conducted at the Paul Painlevé Laboratory in Lille under the supervision of Alexis Virelizier.
Topic: Le polynôme de Jones et l'homologie de Khovanov. (pdf)

Directed reading ​conducted with Yann Delaporte at ENS Rennes under the supervision of Léo Morin
Topic: Les opérateurs à traces (pdf)