[1] An action of the Witt algebra on
Khovanov-Rozansky homology, with Felix Roz .
Personal notes:
- Notes about Schur polynomials (pdf)
- Notes about Verdier quotient (pdf)
- Presentation at the Clermont-Ferrand PhD Students' Seminar titled Links between Braids and Links II.
Topic: Links between polynomial invariants in knot theory and
R-matrices. (pdf)
Productions during my studies:
Master’s thesis (M2) internship conducted
at IMJ-PRG under the supervision of Emmanuel Wagner and Louis-Hadrien Robert.
Topic: Study of symmetries
of equivariant Khovanov–Rozansky homology. (pdf)
Master’s (M1) internship conducted at UQAM
(University of Quebec at Montreal) in the CIRGET research unit under
the supervision of Frédéric Rochon.
Topic: L'espace de Minkowski en géométrie. (pdf)
Bachelor’s (L3) internship conducted at
the Paul Painlevé Laboratory in Lille under the supervision of Alexis
Topic: Le polynôme de Jones et l'homologie de Khovanov. (pdf)
Directed reading conducted with Yann
Delaporte at ENS Rennes under the supervision of Léo Morin.
Topic: Les opérateurs à traces (pdf)